Category: Business Marketing Tips

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The Rule of Repetition

The Rule of Repetition

Today’s topic is all about the rule of repetition. There are a few tactics and strategies when it comes to marketing that really makes a massive impact and marketing repetition is one of those.  I like to use the example of children and kids — they’re really instinctive about this whole rule of repetition. It’s

What are your Marketing Gauges® and Why they are Important?

What are your Marketing Gauges® and Why they are Important?

Today’s topic is all about your marketing gauges®. What do you look at when you’re tracking your marketing? What are you looking at? What are you analyzing? What are the numbers mean? What’s good and what’s bad? I think that a lot of businesses are finally starting to look at if they are marketing in

Do Things that Do Not Scale

Do Things that Do Not Scale

Today’s topic is all about doing things that do not scale.  You might be thinking, “Michael, isn’t this a little bit counter-intuitive? Is it marketing all about further automation and putting things on autopilot and being able to scale something.”  Now in some instances, I would definitely say yes, that is a good portion of

Business and Marketing in the Moment

Business and Marketing in the Moment

Today is going to be a special episode—I wanted to focus on the topic called marketing in the moment. The reason for that is if I look back at my history, in business, and in marketing, that is really what put me on the map. It’s also the content that has really helped people in

How To Stabilize Your Business Amidst The Crisis So You Can Thrive

How To Stabilize Your Business Amidst The Crisis So You Can Thrive

The focus of today’s episode is this topic of “stabilize and thrive”. I know normally you wouldn’t hear the words stabilize and thrive in the exact same sentence because they kind of has different connotations. But I want to share with you what I’m seeing in the marketplace across the hundreds of different businesses that

How to Establish your Marketing Budget during this Period

How to Establish your Marketing Budget during this Period

It has been a few months since the Coronavirus pandemic affected so many small business owners. One of the questions that have been constantly asked recently is what should your marketing budget be, even with this post Coronavirus situation.  I’m going to give you a couple of different scenarios and situations, and I will tell

How to Deal with the Sentiment of the Marketplace

How to Deal with the Sentiment of the Marketplace

One of the keys to marketing is knowing the sentiment of the marketplace. As these are trying times, being in tune with that is going on is critical. Let us talk about market sentiment.  A lot of people have been asking lots of different questions that start with: • Should I pause all my marketing? 

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and your Business

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and your Business

Let us talk about your business and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. You must probably have a vague idea about this theory from your days spent in school, but I wanted to give you a little bit of a refresher and teach you how this directly applies to everything that is going on at the moment. 

How to Effectively Communicate, Converse and Connect with your Audience

How to Effectively Communicate, Converse and Connect with your Audience

Communication at this very moment in time is absolutely essential, absolutely essential. Some businesses are retreating. They have kind of completely gone dark, while other businesses have twox, threex, fivex, even 10x, the amount of communication that they’re putting out there.  Regardless of the type of business that you’re in, I want you to increase

Surviving Recession by Doubling Down

Surviving Recession by Doubling Down

The impact of the current global pandemic may be varying drastically across industry to industry, location to location. And I’m going to keep publishing these. You might think, why don’t you pause on the content and pause on kind of putting these out right now while we’re figuring things out? But that would be the

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