

The Importance of Setting Accountabilities


I know I’ve been posting a lot of stuff about leadership, goal setting, etc. But it is so important to have strong fundamentals behind your business! I’m going to talk about setting accountabilities and why that is so critical for successful employees.
First off, setting accountabilities is necessary. Here are a few reasons why they are so important:

  • For each employee, they act like a “roadmap” for success in the given year, and are the basis for discussion during a review.
  • They are a clear link between what each individual does in his/her job and the organization’s overall business objectives.
  • By aiding in the prioritization of work, they guide decision making throughout the year.
  • At the team level, they help ensure the team is functioning efficiently, working together effectively, and focused on critical objectives.
  • They are included in performance review at the end of the year.

Setting accountabilities is similar to setting goals, they need to good in order to be effective! Good accountabilities are:

  • Clearly aligned with the objectives of the business, your manager and your team.
  • A stretch, but achievable
  • Limited in number, around 8-10
  • Consistent
  • SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Based)
  • Reviewed on a quarterly basis

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